Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moody Blues (Warning, it's a pathetic rant)

It's a band, right? Well, it's also a description of how I feel today. It's just a really ridiculously emotional & blah day. It's pouring rain outside. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Maybe it's because there are just days when you feel the world is against you. I should've retreated back under my covers and said, "you are right, universe!" I should listen to your wisdom more often.

I was late this morning, which never helps. And even though I told myself I wasn't going to do that anymore, it happened again. *sigh* Stupid commute and traffic. Ever have one of those days where you just want a friend to listen to you be awful and whiny, like Eeyore? Everyone loved him despite his melancholy mood. I feel like Eeyore today, only without my piglet and pooh. I got to work and I just feel like all that I need to get done won't and everyone I have to deal with I'd just rather not. I forgot my lunch, nothing good is for sale in the company store, and it's still gross outside so I'm not going anywhere for anything good. Boo hoo. Well, I have fought back the tears already more times than I can count. Why can't I be a big girl today? I wanna put my big girl pants on! I think they're still in the laundry.
I'm ready to spit out this day and have another one that's bright and cheery and warm. I wanna be a billionaire. Heard that song on the radio. That's pretty funny actually. I will survive. Another song. Perpetually over-karaoke'd.

Ok, so there's my pathetically whiny overture and quite the universal reminder that I'm far from perfect. Can't wait until the universe decides to remind me that I'm going to be ok. Oh, and a little sunshine wouldn't hurt. I'm putting in my order in hopes that the master chef has that on special tomorrow. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Caribou cup spews encouragement, it goes a little something like this:

Go home early and play with your kids
Max out your passport
Stir emotions
Sip it, sip it good
Take a 7 day weekend
Run your feet, not your mouth
Your are as wonderful as your dog thinks you are
Teach a child to fish
Technology is good, but people are better
Re-read your favorite book
Question authority
Roll down the hill
Marry your sweetheart
Dream big, act bigger
Do more cannonballs
Surprise your BFF with a cup of coffee
Build communities not empires
Read poetry
Pick up the check
Give a kid some crayons
Sleep under the stars
Take the stairs
Tell someone you love them
Hold hands not grudges
Get there on two wheels
Do the hokey pokey
Say 5 nice things about the person sitting across from you
Kiss slowly and forgive quickly
Remember where you came from