Friday, July 24, 2009

Crickets Crickets

Yikes. What happened?

I got lost...or something like that. ;)

Anyone left out there? Anywhere? If you are, I guess I should start updating this thing again. I mean, seriously. There's been a lot going on!

Let's see if we can do a quick recap:

May -
~Michaela turned 12 *gasp*
~I reconnected with an old friend. That lifted some haze and some heaviness. Hopefully healing can begin!

June -
~Michaela finished 6th grade and Megan finished 1st grade. They both did so well this past year and made their parents beam with pride at their progress and success as students.
~My niece was born! June 24, 2009 :) My dear sister gave birth to a beautiful little lady named Sadie. We are all so thrilled to have a new baby to gush over. (I'll try to load some new photos)
~Michaela danced in what she says is her last recital. :( She's been in dance since she was 5 years old so I am sad to hear that she does not want to continue. She was so great, as usual and is so beautiful on that stage! I love to see her perform and hope she begins a new activity next year that I can see her do well with.
~On a sour note, Kevin's job has been a bit unstable as his hours have been cut to 32 per week. We're managing but hope it's not permanent or any indication of something worse to come.

July -
~Michaela and I went to the No Doubt & paramore concert on the 3rd. What fun we had! I had some health drama afterward but nothing that didn't fix itself within a week or so.
~So far, just have had a vey cool summer temperature wise and have attended a party or two and had a BBQ at our house. The kids have been spending lots of days with their friends.
~Kevin and I will be celebrating our 9th Anniversary next week. Wow how times flies. I just love him and am grateful for everyday with him!

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