Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday night delight

I was playing with the settings on my camera and got this one - isn't it cool? Our tree. I need to take more pics. I was playing around with photos.

The girls & I putting the ornaments on. I so look like my Mom in this one. :O)
Kevin did the tree and the lights.

Michaela adds one of many...

Megan reaches for hers to go in a good spot. I think she only decorated in one concentrated area. I helped to spread out afterward.

This picture was funny because I told Kevin to take pictures and he said, "Smile so Mommy can have the perfect photo!" and these were the faces in response. LOL

Hello! I am so excited to finally have my Christmas tree up. It feels so much more like the holidays are coming. :) I have some gifts done and need to wrap them so I am not overwhelmed at the last minute. A list would be fab - I should do that this week. Michaela and I helped out at the Santa Shoppe at Megan's school yesterday and it was fun. The kids are so cute shopping for their families! Megan and Michaela both got gifts to put under the tree. Megan wanted to give me hers already and I must have told her a hundred times that we are waiting for Christmas! I thought I'd share some photos and say a brief hello. How are your Holiday plans coming along?


Angela said...

That light photo is too cool. My kids do the same thing now when I tell them to smile. LOL!!

Shawnna Samples said...

totally diggin' that top photo ---SUPER FUN!

amberhelga said...

your tree is great ! i still haven't put mine up yet ! i know slacker.

Sassy Pam said...

I love that first photo that is awesome! Great family pics. :0)