Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Totally Random Tuesday

Welcome December! Wow, when the heck did you get here? I barely remember November! That's ok, though. I like you much better!!

I've been doing some Holiday Spirit RAK lately around town. Like, buying a few extra cans of soup and some ketchup & mustard when I ran into the grocery the other day (for just 2 things!). I gave it to the women collecting for their organization at the door onthe way out. I always donate small stuff this time of year. I also can never pass up a red bucket and a jingly bell. And at lunch today, I drove to the ghetto Wendy's to pick up some quick food (WAY too busy at work these days & noted that I'm packing tomorrow. No, not packing, jeez. Ghetto, yes. Guns, no.) - - anyway, there was a stray cat amongst all the falling down, burned out, and boarded up houses on the street near the drive thru and I bought an extra 5 pc. chicken nugget for him. He was happily eating them at the edge of the street when I tossed them out the window. I think I'll call him Danger.
"Danger, danger" must have come out of my mouth at least 12 times today. You know, like that robot with the dryer vent arms from that old TV show...I don't have any idea where that came from. I used it for when the very loud Guardian alarm test system went off in the middle of the work day today, as I was leaving for lunch. That's also why I named the cat Danger. And no, I didn't set the alarm off either.

I am finished with New Moon and am dying to get Eclipse. Yep, now I'm officially in with the Twilight series. The second book was way better than the first.

My December forecast was pretty uneventful from Astrology Zone. There's some angry full moon to occur on the 12th and everyone is at risk for some upheaval. I'm pretty used to making people mad lately so I'm just going to figure it's just another day...It's full of career and work activity - surprise! I am so slammed at work that I can't think straight while I'm there. I hope it gets a bit less challenging. It hasn't been easy to let things roll off lately even though I know I should.

Oh, being Diva of the Month for December at The Scrap-Room is pretty cool! I am enjoying being part of this small online community and it's fun to have so many cyber friends in such a short period of time. Check it out! http://www.scrap-room.com/ I am hosting a challenge for the month where someone will win a fun prize from the team. I will be adding lots of other fun posts this month too.
I completed two layouts so far this month and am hoping to continue with Layout of the Day (aka LOAD). I need to get some pages done! (Pictured above) I also have a layout I completed last day of Nov. to squeak in for Edie's Diva Challenge.
This upcoming Saturday both Michaela and I are helping out at the holiday shoppe at Megan's school. It should be fun. Megan will come in with Kevin to shop for gifts that she will be able to wrap and give to her family. It's the cutest thing ever. I helped a few times when Michaela was younger. The kids are so into it and they are very sweet with their choices.

~ Ok, now I'm tired and am ready to snuggle up to my snoozy beagle and hubby. Thanks ya'll for stopping by. Add a comment if you had something random happen in your life today!


Nicole Maki said...

Congrats on being Diva this month. You're doing a great job already.

Something random... hmmm... we went to the library last night and when we were leaving the librarian was shelving the holds and put one on the shelf for me. Since we live on top of a mountain I was so grateful to not be tempted to drive all the way back down again when I would have got to hold notice this morning.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... random.... my hubby's jury duty got cancelled for next week and he was THRILLED. Isn't it wonderful how shirking your civic duty can bring such feelings of happiness??

P.S. I am so happy for Danger, who will live to see another day because of you and your McNuggets.

Angela said...

Congrats Miss Diva!!

Something random...well other than my hair matching my Santa hat really nothing too exciting right now. LOL!!

I tagged you on my blog go check it out.