Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My baby turns 7!

Yep. She's still my baby. But she's changing. I see her changing right before my eyes. I see her teeth no longer fitting, becoming loose and ready to fall out anytime now. I see her face looking less round in the cheeks and instead I see her features becoming more mature. I see her childlike habits likely to go away soon. (I hope not!) I see her learning quickly and being able to read, which is amazing. I see her loveable, social nature taking flight. I see her taking more of the world in. I see her growing up too quickly for my taste. I see her growing in ways that I want to remember forever. I see her celebrating and of course I celebrate with her. But I still see her as my baby.

Happy Birthday Meggie Moon!

And Happy Birthay to my hubby too, who turns another year older tomorrow. I love that guy!

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