Monday, November 16, 2009

Holidays in Hand - Assignment One

Today is the first day of Jessica Sprague's Holidays in Hand class. I love her approach to projects and took last year's Stories in Hand class and loved it, too. Plus, you've gotta really adore free. I think today may be the last day to sign up so visit if you haven't already!

My first assignment is to focus on holiday values and create goals to meet those values. So, I put together a list of words/phrases that matches what I think matters most through the holidays. Here goes:

Tradition - same activities that bring JOY
Delicious treats (not-your-everyday stuff!)
Tree decorating

So, my goals for this holiday season include:
1. I would like to create memories that will be special for my kids to reflect on when they are grown and maybe carry on their favorites as well. We will pick three of our favorite activities we do every year and do them! Decorate the tree and drink egg nog, bake cookies, and drive around looking at lights.
2. I want to keep some magic and wonder with my kids during this season. We will do that by giving gifts to others and both Kevin and I shopping for a few of those items on their lists.
3. I would like to feel connected with my family. I would like togetherness, with those that we will be with and those that will be distant. I will send greetings and personal messages to those that I miss most! We have offered to host the family gathering this year with Kevin's family.
4. I would like the gifts we share with family to be more meaningful and special and that involve much less/none at all money to obtain. I plan to make some homemade gifts and will suggest some sort of exchange this year with that in mind.
5. I want to listen to as many carols as possible until they go away until next year. Thank you Magic 105.1 FM. :) I will also dig out my Christmas CD's and see if I can download some favorites as well.
6. I'd like to celebrate and have fun this year that is both the same and different than other years. We'll get new jammies on Christmas Eve and plan to do an activity together this year at our gathering, like have the kids build a gingerbread house.
7. I'd like to be a big part of making the day special and sweet for someone else by touching their heart. I think saying "I appreciate you" is the nicest thing during the season so we'll be sending many greetings around. Also, we will choose one charity or benefit to give to this season. Last year it was Make a Wish foundation. This year I'd like to find a local charity or organization.
8. I would like to have breakfast & dinner on Christmas Day be something we don't normally have very often and is considered a real treat! So, I plan to make stuffed cabbage to go along with the main course and will bake our favorite Christmas cookies. Yum, I can taste those pecan sandies right now!

For now, I will keep these close to me so I can plan to have enjoyable holidays. Wow, what a focused start to the season! Anyone else thinking about their own plans?


terriporter said...

Love your list of goals and values, Emily! I am in this class as well and looking at other people's blogs for some inspiration. I only wish I had been a scrapbooker when my boys were growing up. They are now 30, 28 and 24, but they will all be home for Christmas, so I plan to make it a special one. See you in class!

Gladie said...

I love your list and hope you'll achieve those important ones :) Looking forward to see your work during class :)

Whitney said...

We sometimes have breakfast and never have dinner (it is leftovers from Christmas Eve), but this year my daughter won't be home for Christmas Eve, so we will be doing our big Christmas Eve dinner on Christmas day...

Great list!

sharyncarlson said...

Love your list! I think these lists will really help us all to keep the focus on the things we value during the holidays. I hope you enjoy the rest of class!

Anonymous said...

Like some of your ideas! maybe try some oven french toast (Skier's) for Christmas Breakfast. You make it the night before and put in the oven while opening presents! Keep up the good work on the class!