Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Twenty two lessons

Stacy has prompted me to make a list of 22 things that I learned as a Mother.
Think it's easy? You try it out and create your own list! (Don't forget to share yours in comments!)

Here's what I've learned:

1. Time goes by FAST! Really fast. Take lots of pictures.
2. I can actually multi-task. Really.
3. I have an impact on others. I'll let my kids sort out what was good or bad in therapy.
4. Just when you think you can't do anymore - you can.
5. Vomit always happens at night. It's like some weird nocturnal freaklike phenomena. And it's gross.
6. Nothing makes you feel more incompetent than helping with math homework above the third grade level. When did they decide to change all that stuff?
7. You will eventually have to look them in the eye and explain what really happened.
8. A penny saved is a penny found in the laundry.
9. A mother's work really is never done. So take some time out - spend it with your family or for yourself.
10. That no matter how much taller they are than me or older they get, they'll always be my baby. And I can still kick their butt.
11. Cuz I'm the Mom, that's why really works.
12. How to cheer someone on. REALLY full out until I no longer have a voice cheer or just the simple huggy kind.
13. The TV will stay on for all eternity unless I'm there to shut it off. Same goes with the bathroom light.
14. If Momma ain't happy, kisses always work. And hugs.
15. Patience only applies to your own kids. By the time you deal with them, there's not much left for anyone else.
16. Being flexible is the best resource for sanity.
17. It's a thankless job but I still accept gratitude.
18. I learned to respect my own mother and all mothers for that matter.
19. Mothers are not perfect but as long as I'm willing to keep trying, I will be good enough.
20. I don't have all the answers. (refer back to #6) That's why I surround myself with other amazing women, just in case in need something.
21. Helping hands are the best form of applause.
22. The journey is so worth taking.

Thank you Michaela & Megan!

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