Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hello Snow

It's that time of year again. Snow. It's the beginning of the next 6 months. *Sigh* I like snow better than the rain, though. I went grocery shopping yesterday morning and it was 38 degrees with steady rain. Now that makes you freeze to the core. Standing in the parking lot, loading 10 bags and cases of pop & water while getting cold & wet really is NOT a good time. Remember when I said I didn't like November? Precisely!

Megan got her hair cut into a cute short bob again. She is so stinkin' adorable.
Michaela comes home tomorrow. I will say she was missed this week. Deeply.

Good things - I bought the next book in the Twilight series, New Moon. I can't wait for the movie - it comes out this week!!

Also, the free class I'm taking with Jessica Sprague is awesome. I have several stories to write and will start sharing them here. Sometimes I'll add to scrapbooks, too. I'm looking forward to having writing + photos being a focus for 2009.

Toodles - see you this week. I'll be playing with my camera and hoping to get some good shots. ~

1 comment:

Nicole Maki said...

We've had snow on and off to and I have to say it is much, much better than rain. Cold rain is nasty!